


MindManager integration

Added by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

Hi there,

is there someone who would like to see Redmine integrated with MindManager?
For me it should be really usefull...

Replies (8)

RE: MindManager integration - Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago

This would be very cool, but it's not an open-source projet, so that's quite hard. But if Mindjet people love redmine, they can provide a plugin :)

BTW... what kind of integration would you like? From my point of view, the only interesting integration is adding the map as image in the documentation or wiki pages.

RE: MindManager integration - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

I'm still using MandManager for planning bigger projects, because it's place where I can see project from birth's eye perspective, but still can "zoom in" and focus on small details, then see whole project. When I plan project, I create a tree structure of project dividen into smaller and smaller sections. The smallest parts are usually tickets, so It can be great to have ability to automatically convert some (selected?) items into tickets (issues). In MindManager there can be Ticker Nr. and URL link to issue's page. And what can be great so update MindManager plan from Redmine project, so it can synchronize:
  • Status
  • Percet done
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Priority
  • Assigment
  • ...and more and more... ;)

RE: MindManager integration - Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago

Oh... that's a rather interesting point of view that I havn't thought about before.

In this case, I think that integration should be done via redmine API on the MindManager side, rather on the redmine side.

RE: MindManager integration - Added by John Z almost 17 years ago

Note that Freemind is a very comparable open source alternative to MindManager (can import MindManager files). We've found the XML file format to be quite straightforward to work with.


RE: MindManager integration - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

OK, thanx for tip! I'll examine this app later. We used for short period of time also some web-based app, which was simple but interesting in way of collaboartion, because more people was able to work at the same time, like with Google Docs... but I cannot remebmer URL or app name ;(

RE: MindManager integration - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

It was ;)
Anyway, MindManager is still best mindmapping app ;(
