


Tracker - How to remove default

Added by Jay Lepore about 14 years ago

When I add a new Issue for a developer, it defaults to a Bug.

The problem with this is that our staff often forgets to change that and even if a feature is being requested, it is a bug and cannot be changed.

Is there a way to have this default to - Select - and for the user to make a choice instead of defaulting to Bug.

What sayeth the group.

Video of issue shown here:

Replies (8)

RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

There is no way at the moment to not have a default tracker, though you can choose which one is default by putting it at the top of the tracker list in the Administration view. You can also change the tracker of an existing issue provided you have the right to do so, see RedmineIssues.

Update: typo.

RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Muntek Singh about 14 years ago

Jay Lepore wrote:

it is a bug and cannot be changed.

Click "Move"

RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Jay Lepore about 14 years ago


What do you mean Click "Move"



RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Jay Lepore wrote:

What do you mean Click "Move"

I suppose he meant the "More" link at the top of the edit section for an issue, which gives you the ability to change the tracker of an issue. See the link I posted above.

RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Muntek Singh about 14 years ago

Ah yeah, either click Move at the very top of the issue view, or click update then click the more (screenshot at Felix's link)

RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago


Hi !

I'm also interested by this request! We are using Redmine 1.2.1. Our users doesn't care about the tracker by default and modifying each ticket is a huge job!

So even if we need to modify a line code, I'm ok to do it.

Thanks to care about this request.


RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago

Julien Garrigue wrote:

We are using Redmine 1.2.1.

That version is out of support (after all, it's more than 2 years old) and has multiple critical security issues. We stongly advise you to upgrade as soon as possible.

RE: Tracker - How to remove default - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

I don't know how to update and I'm not sure that my plugin will be compatible with the update...
