


Add Demo link to Main Page

Added by Dillon Fishel about 14 years ago

I Have been watching the RSS feeds for Issues, and have noticed the amount of test issues created. Is there any way that we can add a Demo tab in the main nav that will take people to the

Replies (3)

RE: Add Demo link to Main Page - Added by Eric Davis about 14 years ago

There's a big orange banner on the New Issue but since it's not using the <blink> tag, I think people miss it. ;)

I am planning to update the home page to make it easier to navigate. A link to the Demo will be included.

Eric Davis

RE: Add Demo link to Main Page - Added by Dillon Fishel about 14 years ago

I think if you add the Blink and the Marquee Tags it might work.
Thanks for all of your hard work on the project. I know it is hard keeping on top of things and Spam does not help.
I have not created a new issue on yet so I never saw the Yellow Text.
