Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by Matthias Hahn over 16 years ago
does anyone know something if it´s possible (or will be possible) to create SubIssues oder Subticket from a Ticket or Issue?
I know the feature with the related issues, but there is nothing like "is child of... " or better: "Create subticket of" :-)
Thanks for comments
Replies (10)
RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by Jim Mulholland over 16 years ago
We were just talking about wanting this on a team meeting this morning. Tasks (issues) can have relationships of "blocks" and "precedes", but these terms are rather confusing also.
While we are at it, we should probably change the wording of "Issues" to "Tasks" or "Tickets" since issue lists often times include "Features", "Support Tasks", "Setup Tasks", etc.
RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by Matthias Hahn over 16 years ago
:-) do you work in my company?
But you are right. It becomes complicated when we think about it. the "progress". Does one ticket finishes the parent-ticket for 50% if there are 2 subtickets?
And so on. These issue model will grow :-)
But I go on think about it.
RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by Jim Jones over 16 years ago
I'm +1000 on this feature. :-)
I have not yet found a way to group (sub)tasks that belong to a larger project as naturally as in, e.g., mantisbt.
In mantis it's really easy:
1. Create ticket-1 (the parent), for example: "Build a Website"
2. Create ticket-2 and set relation to "Child of Defect #1: permissions if not admin", e.g: "Create HTML code"
3. Create ticket-3 and set relation to "Child of Defect #1: permissions if not admin", e.g: "Create Graphics"
Now the fun part is:
1. Ticket-1 can not be closed before ticket-2 and ticket-3 are closed.
2. Updates to the status (percentage-done) of ticket-2 or ticket-3 are automatically reflected in ticket-1.
I think this is a very natural way to deal with subtasks which are too small to deserve a real subproject (in redmine-speak).
Consequently I would love if that could be implemented in redmine...
Also see my comments on Ticket #952.
RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by Ilya Prokazov about 16 years ago
+1 very useful idea, redmine will replace MS Project if you will do it.
RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by jonee penk almost 16 years ago
it's good feature. i want it since see it from JIRA.
RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by Jens Goldhammer almost 16 years ago
There is a discussion of integrating it into the core of redmine. Please vote for that feature.
RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
Added by Jens Goldhammer almost 16 years ago
And look here: