

Jens Goldhammer

  • Login: jgoldhammer
  • Registered on: 2009-02-19
  • Last connection: 2010-05-11


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 3 6



14:56 Redmine Feature #5484 (Closed): Add new issue as subtask to an existing ticket
Subtask feature was implemented in r3573.
In comparision to Erics patch in ticket #443 the current implementation do...
Jens Goldhammer
14:50 Redmine Feature #5483: Change subtask view
Erics solution:
implemtend in trunk:
Jens Goldhammer
14:48 Redmine Feature #5483 (New): Change subtask view
Subtask feature was implemented in r3573.
In comparision to Erics patch in ticket #443 we have a different subtasks...
Jens Goldhammer
11:27 Redmine Defect #5480 (Closed): Missing features of subtask implementation (r3573)
There are three features I miss in the current implementation of the subtask feature (r3573) in comparision to Erics ... Jens Goldhammer


13:37 Redmine Patch #4870 (Reopened): Correct two german localisation problems
Very good corrections. But I think, we should be aware of the user of hyphens.
In German hyphens are used to avoid m...
Jens Goldhammer


10:15 Redmine Patch #4426: German translation
I have made also some improvements, based on the previous file. Jens Goldhammer
09:33 Redmine Plugins: RE: Proposal for a redmine testboard plugin
Hello Ole,
I have not the time to work on it. The only work I have done is the proposal from the first post, sorry...
Jens Goldhammer


21:48 Redmine Plugins: RE: Redmine Repository Controls
Cool, this is really great because it provides more flexibility as editing a svn file.
Please update the redmine pl...
Jens Goldhammer
21:34 Redmine Plugins: RE: Hudson Plugin 0.1.0
Hmm, I understand that you want to test different code lines in different jobs. But I donĀ“t understand why you have m... Jens Goldhammer


11:26 Redmine Plugins: RE: Hudson Plugin 0.1.0
I have found an error if the hudson server via http is not available. I have got an 500 error if I click on the hudso... Jens Goldhammer

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