


Issues summary

Added by Gautier Georges over 14 years ago

Hi there,
I have been asked to propose bug tracking softwares and I selected Mantis and Redmine to be evaluated by the development and the Test team. Mantis is more specialized in bug tracking than Redmine but Redmine propose more features. Nevertheless, compared to Mantis, one thing is missing in Redmine, the equivalent of the Summary features
Is there a plug-in or any other way to obtain a similar view and statistics. As good as Redmine is I am pretty sure this will be a fatal blow in favor of Mantis in the evaluation results.


Replies (2)

RE: Issues summary - Added by Holger Just over 14 years ago

Try this one: It is linked to in the sidebar of the issue overview page. This should be kind of what you are searching for.

Also, you can create reports for time entries. And soon even more reports on about everything :)

RE: Issues summary - Added by Gautier Georges over 14 years ago

Thank you Holder.
As I guessed the evaluation team came back with this question: Is there a “all” projects summary page?
