

Holger Just

  • Login: hjust
  • IRC nick: meineerde
  • Registered on: 2008-11-20
  • Last connection: 2025-03-20


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 4 5
Reported issues 17 110 127


Project Roles Registered on
Redmine Contributor 2018-06-26



12:45 Redmine Defect #42381 (Needs feedback): Email not in order & not receiving email
> 1. in this issue page, reply no 7 has later time but in earlier sequence than reply no 10.
Generally, the email ...
Holger Just
11:08 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Is Sidekiq Unnecessary for Sending Emails?
Mails are always processed asynchronously.
By default, we use a very simply queue implementation (@ActiveJob::Queu...
Holger Just


19:47 Redmine Help: RE: Permissions for setting Assignee
You can define which roles may edit which fields on an issue. By default, all roles which have the *Edit issue* permi... Holger Just
13:14 Redmine Help: RE: Specific translations (de.yml) missing in Edit / New Ticket dialogue
This looks quite similar to #42424.
As you are also using plugins the issue is likely caused by one of these plugi...
Holger Just


19:32 Redmine Defect #42424 (Needs feedback): The interface in issue editing is not translated
What is the exact configured language of your user on your **My Account** page? Not all translations are complete and... Holger Just
19:21 Redmine Feature #2715: "Magic links" to notes
This option was added in #30829 which was first released with Redmine version:4.1.0.
This option is documented in th...
Holger Just


01:03 Redmine Help: RE: Problem Open Redmine use nginx
Redmine is not written in PHP and thus does not use fpm-php. Instead, you have to configure an application server whi... Holger Just
01:00 Redmine Help: RE: Show big files in SVN integration
The repository views follow the setting for the maximum filesize of displayed text files. You can configure this as a... Holger Just


12:53 Redmine Help: RE: Life cycle of redmine versions
Please refer to the release policy at [[Download#Versions-status-and-releases-policy]]
Redmine 5.0.x still receive...
Holger Just


15:10 Redmine Open discussion: RE: How to create a workflow for a role that cannot Add Issues?
Generally (with a current Redmine version), roles with either the "Edit issues" or "Add issues" permission are consid... Holger Just

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