

Holger Just

  • Login: hjust
  • IRC nick: meineerde
  • Registered on: 2008-11-20
  • Last connection: 2025-02-14


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 4 5
Reported issues 17 110 127


Project Roles Registered on
Redmine Contributor 2018-06-26



12:06 Redmine Defect #38968 (Closed): Images not showing up when space(s) in filename
It seems that this issue is entirely caused by the CKEditor plugin.
Unfortunately this is something we can not do ...
Holger Just


12:04 Redmine Defect #41946: /workflows/edit puts used_statuses_only twice at url
This is generated by the "@check_box@ helper": Holger Just


19:04 Redmine Defect #42096: ÅÄÖåäö in API body don't work
The API generally expects correctly encoded data depending on the format in which you send the data:
* @text/xml@ ...
Holger Just
15:02 Redmine Defect #42259 (Closed): Problems with upgrading redmine from version 4.2.1 to 5.0.3
When upgrading Redmine, you also have to run database migrations. See [[RedmineUpgrade#Step-4-Update-the-database]]. Holger Just


20:06 Redmine Defect #42252 (Closed): Incomplete notifications from the new Redmine release 6.0.2
In general, if you are using any plugins and observe errors (especially after an update of Redmine), the most likely ... Holger Just
19:54 Redmine Defect #42261 (Closed): CAN'T CREATE A PROJECT
This Redmine installation at is only intended for the development of Redmine itself. It does ... Holger Just
19:51 Redmine Defect #42262 (Needs feedback): Tried to edit a simple text to issues_pdf_helper.rb but didn't take effect
Please be **much** more specific.
* What **exactly** have you tried? Please describe your intentions and any code ...
Holger Just
19:48 Redmine Help: RE: Redmine security email - security at
Just a quick head-up: the mail service on is now fixed. Thus, mails to @security(at) should a... Holger Just
19:47 Redmine Help: RE: Cannot send mail to
Just a quick head-up: the mail service on is now fixed. Thus, mails to @security(at) should a... Holger Just


19:18 Redmine Help: RE: UI and Email Handling Issues After Upgrading to Redmine Version 6.0.3
These plugins are not part of Redmine itself. Thus, you likely won't find much help here with these issues.
Holger Just

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