Redmine's look is messed up
Added by alf olsen over 14 years ago
Hi, I'm moving our Redmine from one server to the other. From an old debian server to a new ubuntu server. This time I was able to install redmine through apt-get (thank god) and all looks seemingly right.
But when I log in the whole "look" of redmine (stylesheet?) disapair and everything look like a html webpage from the early 90's.
Why is this, and how can I make it good?
Replies (7)
RE: Redmine's look is messed up - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
If only the static parts are missing, I suppose there's some misconfiguration of the webserver. Have a look at the webserver logs to see if some configuration bit is getting in the way. Having redmine in a sub-URI might also be the cause of the problem, I don't know how much the apt package is patched, so I won't be able to tell you much more than that.
RE: Redmine's look is messed up - Added by alf olsen over 14 years ago
Well actually I haven't been able to configure apache to handle redmine, so im running Redmine from the prompt with:
ruby script/server -e production -b
All the info is there, but the "look" is bad. anything i can do about this?
RE: Redmine's look is messed up - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Mmh, I'd still say this is caused by the debian patches, spinning up a script/server should work out of the box. Please contact the debian maintainer, he should have better insight :-)
RE: Redmine's look is messed up - Added by alf olsen over 14 years ago
That could very well be it, though I'm not convinced. Furter "debug/action":
- After waiting a few days I tried on another computer. All was fine!
- Then "suddenly" after some links, it goes back to showing bare html info.
I found out this strange thing: When I delete the cache of my browser (this applies to both firefox and chrome) it will display redmine properly the first time only. when i do a reload, it all get messed up again.
Like I said, all the info is there, its just that the nice blue frame and all is gone. Just plain html.
Does that trigger anything that might give someone an idea as to wth is going on here?
RE: Redmine's look is messed up - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
I can't remember anything similar, sorry. Maybe have a look at the css links you have in the headers, and especially if they are the same in all requests, as well as if they all are downloadable.
RE: Redmine's look is messed up - Added by alf olsen over 14 years ago
I found out that when I delete this file from the browser cache:
redmine displays properly. Then when I refresh, it turns all bad again. I found the css file on disk on the server, its quite big, and skimming it I couldnt see anything that should trigger this error.
Any tips on further debugging?
Thanks a lot btw :)
RE: Redmine's look is messed up - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Mmh, the file looks good, it even has the "cache-buster" (the ?<timestamp>
part)… Again, I'd rather continue looking at mongrel, as that doesn't seem to be a redmine problem. Could you try another rails server perhaps? Maybe mongrel? I have never used it, but IIRC it "should work" by installing it and calling it with script/server mongrel <options>