


Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification

Added by Caesar Kim almost 14 years ago

I am testing the installation of Redmine for validation. I am stuck in configuring the email config. I am trying to test the outgoing email notification from the Administration panel.

This is my email.yml. I am just using "" for this post.

delivery_method: :smtp
address: ""
port: 25
authentication: :login
domain: ''
user_name: 'admin'
password: 'password'

The recipient's email is "". The sender is ". FYI, "" is not my real host.

I am using a right username/password for SMTP authentication for my email server, but when I try to send, I am getting "An error occurred while sending mail (535 Authentication failed. Restarting authentication process. )" on the browser. And in the email server log, I see some encrypted characters which might be username/password. By the way, I am using HMailServer on windows env. I am not sure why this is happening.

Does anybody know how to fix or get around this?


Replies (12)

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Does your mail server expect some sort of encrypted connection?

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Also, you seem to have mixed 3-space and 2-space indentation, make sure every indentation level is 2 spaces, yaml is sensitive to that.

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Caesar Kim almost 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Does your mail server expect some sort of encrypted connection?

No. I don't think so.

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Caesar Kim almost 14 years ago

Caesar Kim wrote:

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Does your mail server expect some sort of encrypted connection?

No. I don't think so.

And what indentation are you referring to?

do you mean indentation in front of 'user_name:" and "password:"?

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

In the email.yml excerpt you posted, the second and third lines are indented 3 spaces, the lines after that 5 lines, correct yml would be 2 and 4.

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Caesar Kim almost 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

In the email.yml excerpt you posted, the second and third lines are indented 3 spaces, the lines after that 5 lines, correct yml would be 2 and 4.

Thanks for the reply. I just corrected it to 2 spaces in front of "delivery_method" and "smtp_settings" and 4 spaces in front of "address, port, authentication and etc."...

But I am still getting the same error message.

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Did you restart redmine after the changes to the configuration file?

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Caesar Kim almost 14 years ago

I am attaching my email.yml. Please check it out.


RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

The syntax looks good, other than that, you'll have to find out what config works with your mail server on your own, sorry. There's so many out there with so many possible configurations that helping out with that is non-trivial. Other things you could try are changing login to plain, or to add tls support, to remove the domain, but it's pretty much trial and error from here on.

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Caesar Kim almost 14 years ago

Ok.. thanks for the quick replies.

I will try to figure it out.

RE: Unable to send email from Administration->Setting->Email Notification - Added by Cipher X almost 13 years ago

Hi there,

I've search for others who are using Redmine with hMailServer... I'm wondering if you managed to configure this correctly to use hMailServer, thanks.

I've set the configuration.yml smtp section to this below, but I now get 502 Proxy Error???
Is this the correct setting for use with hMailServer on Windows? No auth/login.

# default configuration options for all environments
# Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
     delivery_method: :smtp
       address: "localhost" 
       port: 25