Git repository not fetched
Added by gaurabmani shrestha over 14 years ago
I have a git revision system in my linux server and redmine is also installed in my server. So i want to fetch the repository from my linux server into my redmine application.
As mentioned in this post
So i just simply cloned the server git repository in to my local computer [iam using windows for my local server].
i cloned the server repo in to the following path : D:\git-testing\test1\.git
But the redmine is not able to get the files it throws the following error.
The entry or revision was not found in the repository.
Is there anything missing in my settings. Please suggest me.
Replies (7)
RE: Git repository not fetched
Added by gaurabmani shrestha over 14 years ago
Seems iam confused with the path, i found out the configuration in the redmine forum for git and i did the following
I am using used "git" for the git purpose.
- created a directory redmine/repositories inside "/home/git"
- cloned a existing repository as a bare one
$ git clone --bare
- created a remote git remote add origin2
Then used the path /home/git/redmine/repositories/git-test.git as the GIT path.
But it also generates the same error.
Don't known where is the problem with it.
RE: Git repository not fetched
Added by gaurabmani shrestha over 14 years ago
I have also added the symbolic link "ln -s /usr/local/bin/git /usr/bin/git" and also changed in the GIT variable in the git adapter file.
But the issue exists as before.
I have also attached a part of my log file , there is some kind of error but not able to track what it points to.
Hope you guys have a look at the log once.
RE: Git repository not fetched
Added by Toshi MARUYAMA over 14 years ago
Try this patch.
git-io-gets.diff (1.49 KB) git-io-gets.diff |
RE: Git repository not fetched
Added by gaurabmani shrestha over 14 years ago
Thanks Toshi for the patch, i applied the patch to the adapter file restarted the redmine and that also doesn't resolve the issue.
I will attach the latest log file after the changes were made.
In the log i find something like
"500 Internal Server Error ["
does it have to do anything with the issue.
Hoping for your reply.
log-nov-22-2010.txt (61.3 KB) log-nov-22-2010.txt |
RE: Git repository not fetched
Added by Toshi MARUYAMA over 14 years ago
Is "/home/git/git-test/.git" bare?
You need to clone bare repository.
RE: Git repository not fetched
Added by Toshi MARUYAMA over 14 years ago
You need to set "/home/git/redmine/repositories/git-test.git" on Redmine setting.
RE: Git repository not fetched
Added by Glen Vanderhel about 14 years ago
This maybe a solved issue but for some that are still having some issues, this is what I did to overcome it.
Since my shared host doesn't support git, I obtained a pre compiled version from the web (don't use torrent sites for this PLEASE)
I was then able to use the git commands to mirror my github software.
I loaded the URL params into Redmine, run the runner files as per the wiki and waited....But I still got a error 500 message whenever I tried to view the repo, but the tickets and the database collected all the necessary info..I was at a loss, even looked through the logs and code, until I had a look into the mongrel.log were it displayed "sh: git: command not found"
Redmine was trying to execute this but couldn't... So I changed the /redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/git_adapter.rb file from
# Git executable name
GIT_BIN = "git"
# Git executable name
GIT_BIN = "/home/myitcrmc/xyz123/bin/git"
and now it all works!