URL for repository checkout
Added by Mat Schaffer over 16 years ago
Is there any automatic way to display the URL for repository checkout/clone?
I've just been putting that information in the project description which sorta works. But since there's also that "Homepage" field there, I thought it might be nice to also have fields for a public repository URL (for checkout or cloning, rather than just browsing). Maybe even display the link somewhere under the Repository tab so achieve a flow similar to what you'd have on github (come in, browse a bit, clone it, fiddle with it, etc...).
Replies (4)
RE: URL for repository checkout
Added by Mischa The Evil over 16 years ago
See patch #232. This (still) works flawlessly... :-)
RE: URL for repository checkout
Added by Mat Schaffer over 16 years ago
Looks like this won't work for git, but I think I get the idea. I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks!
RE: URL for repository checkout
Added by Mischa The Evil over 16 years ago
Looks like this won't work for git
Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with git at all. Though, looking at the patch I think that it should show the URL for git also, since the last else-statement will hit all scm except svn/cvs. In that statement the URL is "rendered".
Hope this helps... ;-)
RE: URL for repository checkout
Added by Stuart George over 16 years ago
I looked the patch over, it wouldnt work for my git, since I use local checkouts as redmine cant read the master .git repository it needs a checkout, and of course the local checkout is not the same URL as the master repository, all this patch would do is show the local address.