

Mischa The Evil

  • Login: Mischa
  • IRC nick: Mischa_The_Evil
  • Registered on: 2008-07-09
  • Last connection: 2024-12-06


open closed Total
Assigned issues 12 24 36
Reported issues 65 167 232


Project Roles Registered on
Redmine Contributor 2008-10-22



07:11 Redmine Defect #41101: Text format custom field is displayed with the full-width layout in the Issue edit screen
Go MAEDA wrote in #note-1:
> A simple and user-friendly solution might be to add the full-width option to custom fie...
Mischa The Evil
06:58 Redmine Plugins: RE: Recommended plugins for importing CSV data
Holger Just wrote in message#70416:
> [...] You can import data from the @+@ menu in a project [...]
FWIW: This act...
Mischa The Evil
06:34 Redmine Defect #41714: Replace search and magnifier icons with SVG icon
@takenory: This issue (use of legacy search magnifier icon) seems to be affecting several more places within the UI a... Mischa The Evil


11:18 Redmine Defect #39996: JRuby support
Fixed in [[RedmineInstall|RedmineInstall rev. 339]] ("diff":/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineInstall/diff?utf8=✓&commit=... Mischa The Evil
11:00 Redmine Feature #39579: Drop official support for MySQL 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7
Go MAEDA wrote in #note-3:
> [...] but I don't think it is necessary to display such a warning message.
> We ha...
Mischa The Evil
10:55 Redmine Feature #22024: Support localized decimal separators for float values
Go MAEDA wrote in #note-8:
> [...] at this time, entering a value with a thousand delimiter into a custom field resu...
Mischa The Evil
10:54 Redmine Feature #39997 (Closed): Add an option to render values of Integer- and Float-format custom fields with thousands delimiters
_This is extracted from #22024:_
> Mischa The Evil wrote in #22024#note-10:
> > Go MAEDA wrote in #22024#note-6:
Mischa The Evil
06:35 Redmine Defect #39747: Diff of a javascript file in repository module is not displayed with layout
Marius BALTEANU wrote in #note-10:
> I'm not sure why I was not able to reproduce the issue using a functional test ...
Mischa The Evil
05:53 Redmine Patch #38975: Use ApplicationRecord instead of ActiveRecord::Base
Thanks for scheduling this. It gets a +1 from me too. IMHO this change is long overdue. Mischa The Evil
05:38 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#339)
Remove outdated and now incorrect reasons for not supporting JRuby (see #39996). Mischa The Evil

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