


Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration

Added by baptiste manson almost 16 years ago

I made for my company a more complete tutorial about mylyn and redmine integration using the java variables to handle multiple projects with only one repository.
I also insisted on side configuration, like how to install the right connector, how to configure the right issue editor (for redmine its the web browser). I saw many people having difficulties in getting mylyn and redmine connected so it may be interesting to provide them a more detailed tutorial.

Does someone is interested ?

I saw the other day a project on sourceforge that targets the release of a mylyn native connector for redmine, but it seemed like a dead project. Does someone know if there is any connector that already work ?


Replies (5)

RE: Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration - Added by baptiste manson almost 16 years ago

Ok, I'm giving up. I don't really feel like any contribution will be welcomed anyway...

RE: Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration - Added by Jean-Baptiste Crouigneau almost 16 years ago

Hi Baptiste,

No, you are not alone!

I have just discovered Redmine, and Mylyn integration is a must have feature for me.
Without dedicated connector, any experience and advise on mylyn and redmine integration would be welcome.

And of course, in my opinion, a dedicated connector would be a real advantage for redmine.

If your contribution is not going to be released on this site, I would greatly appreciate if you can share it with me.


RE: Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration - Added by baptiste manson almost 16 years ago

Hi JB,
Thanks for your answer.

I received several private emails from people interested in such a tutorial. But my philosophy is more to open this discussion and share our methods on Redmine.
If we want to get the best out of Redmine with Mylyn and share it with the other users, it can be interesting to build together a proposal of this tutorial in this forum, and see if Jean Philippe Lang or any core developers from Redmine wants to review it when it's done. I don't know if we got an access to the Redmine project wiki, so maybe I will link to a public google doc or any other collaborative document editor to build this proposal.

RE: Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration - Added by baptiste manson almost 16 years ago

Just as a basement, I listed some keypoints that are not explained in the current tutorial but can be achieved :
  • How to handle multiple projects with one task repository,
  • How to submit tickets linked to the right project.
  • How to correctly fetch the different fields for the tickets between mylyn and redmine,
  • How to play with saved queries in redmine from mylyn,
  • How to set up the correct web browser in Eclipse to handle ticket modifications from a mylyn view.
And i feel important to add :
  • How to install the correct connector in Eclipse/mylyn.

Feel free to add the points you achieved with mylyn and redmine with the generic web connector and are not explained in the tutorial.

RE: Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration - Added by Oskar H over 15 years ago


The sourceforge project you mentioned doesn't seem to be dead any more, the past month has had quite some activity. I haven't had the time to try the plugin myself yet but it seems promising.

Here is a link to the project wiki with installation instructions:
