


Subversion integration

Added by Ron Albury over 13 years ago

Let me say up front that I am probably being an idiot ... please be gentle with me.

I see that there is a level of integration between Redmine and Subversion, but I am having trouble understanding what that integration is and when/why I would use it. I was hoping/expecting that when I committed changes to Subversion I would tie that change to a Redmine ticket - but I don't see that anywhere. All I see is being able to browse a Subversion repository from within Redmine ... and (idiot that I am) I don't really see the benefit of that.

Could someone explain to me the workflow you are trying to support with the Subversion integration?

Replies (1)

RE: Subversion integration - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

You can point a Redmine project to an svn repository, by default that will show the repository tab and fetch new revisions when you visit said tab. Additionally, Redmine scans the commit messages for issues IDs preceded by certain keywords, see RedmineSettings.

For more integration, you can use a cronjob or post-commit hooks to have Redmine scan new changesets, you can use Redmine credentials and access controls for your svn repositories if served over http/s through apache, and you can have a cronjob automagically create new svn repositories for projects that don't have one yet. All those things are documented in the wiki.
