


Redmine SVN repository

Added by Alessio Fittizio almost 14 years ago

Hi again.

Maybe someone can help me with svn repository: I have two FAQ

1)How can I add more svn link?
I'd want to add more than one svn link to my project.

I tried to write svn:\\mylink separated by comma: svn:\\mylink, svn:\\mylink2 .. ecc, 
but it only see the first one. why doesn't it function?

2)Actually, When an user is connected see the whole svn repository.
It happened because,who had created the project, had inserted his own svn credentials.
I'd like that any user wants to see svn repository could insert his own crediantials and see svn repository for his own authentication.
That is, any user has to insert his own credentials for access to svn project repository.
How can I do?
Thanks :)

Replies (3)

RE: Redmine SVN repository - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Alessio Fittizio wrote:

1)How can I add more svn link?
I'd want to add more than one svn link to my project.

I tried to write svn:\mylink separated by comma: svn:\mylink, svn:\mylink2 .. ecc,
but it only see the first one. why doesn't it function?

Not possible, you can only have one repository per project.

2)Actually, When an user is connected see the whole svn repository.
It happened because,who had created the project, had inserted his own svn credentials.
I'd like that any user wants to see svn repository could insert his own crediantials and see svn repository for his own authentication.
That is, any user has to insert his own credentials for access to svn project repository.
How can I do?

Not possible either.

RE: Redmine SVN repository - Added by Alessio Fittizio almost 14 years ago


Is possible implementing this functionality?If yes, where Do I must modify?

RE: Redmine SVN repository - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

There might have been some work regarding 1., I'm not sure though, you'll have to dig through the forums/issues I guess.

Regarding 2, the problems technical: Redmine doesn't store the user's password either in the DB or in the session and thus can't login to the svn repository with the user's permissions. Furthermore, Redmine caches the commit log in its DB, enforcing svn permissions would mean hitting the svn server each and every time something from svn is shown to the user, thus alleviating the usefulness of the cache and potentially straining the svn server as well as the Redmine server.
