


Having Users Agree to License when Registering or Downloading Files

Added by Tyler Gilbert over 13 years ago

Is there a mechanism (or plugin) in Redmine that allows for me to have the users agree to a end user license agreement either when registering on the site or when downloading a file?

For example, if I have a GPL software project on my site, I want Redmine to display a copy of the GPL with an "agree" link which will then allow the user to download the software.

Replies (4)

RE: Having Users Agree to License when Registering or Downloading Files - Added by Derrick Rapp almost 13 years ago

Hi Tyler,

Did you ever develop a feature for this? I have an installation where I need to do something similar but only on the login page.


RE: Having Users Agree to License when Registering or Downloading Files - Added by Tyler Gilbert almost 13 years ago

No. I don't have the knowledge to do such a thing. You are the only reply to this question is 4 months, so there must not be much demand for a feature like this.

RE: Having Users Agree to License when Registering or Downloading Files - Added by Eugene Shelepov about 11 years ago


I'm looking for similar feature. Is there any chance that it was already developed?
Can we renew voting for this feature?


RE: Having Users Agree to License when Registering or Downloading Files - Added by Anonymous about 11 years ago

You could probably modify the registration page, adding a line of text somewhere appropriate along the lines of "By registering an account, you're agreeing to the <link>terms and conditions<link> outlined by the GPL", linking to a copy hosted somewhere.

It's a cheap way of doing it, but it would at least get it in there.
