


Populating the Summary Report

Added by Stuart Kendrick over 13 years ago

How does one persuade the Summary Report to display totals?

This looks good to me; and it's what I want:

But my own screen is rather empty of totals ... just dashes (-):
(except in the Subproject section, which displays just fine).



Stuart Kendrick

Replies (4)

RE: Populating the Summary Report - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Well, there is nothing neither in "open" nor "closed" columns, why would there be something in the "total" column then ?!

RE: Populating the Summary Report - Added by Stuart Kendrick over 13 years ago

Well, yes, good point.

To be more precise, I would like the Tracker and Priority panels to contain more integers and fewer dashes, just like the Subproject panel does.

open closed Total
Application 2 - 2

Both those 'open' 'Application' entries happen to be categorized as 'Flaws', one with Priority 3 and the other with Priority 5, so I would expect them to show up in the Tracker panel, contributing to the number of 'open' and Total issues. Ditto with the Priority subpanel.

Perhaps by default the contents of Subprojects do not roll-up into the Tracker and Priority panels? How might I change that behavior?


RE: Populating the Summary Report - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Got it. Feature request #6121 is about this subject.

RE: Populating the Summary Report - Added by Stuart Kendrick over 13 years ago

Ahh, super, someone else has thought of this already. Thanx Etienne,

