


PDF Export text layout problems

Added by Bertrand Labreuille almost 14 years ago

When the PDF export function is used, the resulted table is consistent with the columns which are displayed but the text is truncated. see in the attachment the columns "Number" and "Subject".
Were using the Redmine version 1.0.5.stable, do you know if this PDF export anomaly has been solved in a later release ?
thank you in advance for reply,


Replies (2)

RE: PDF Export text layout problems - Added by Bernhard Furtmueller almost 14 years ago

We use 1.1.2 here and it is the same.
Do you actually miss issue relations in the single issue pdf? Then you might look at #5634

RE: PDF Export text layout problems - Added by Bertrand Labreuille almost 14 years ago

thank you for the information.
we do not use issue relations, then I cannot reply your question.
