


Time tracking and repository

Added by Guna pmk about 13 years ago


I am new to redmine. I have configured this on a Linux server and running it happily.

Now I have one question and an issue.

I have projects with fixed timings to finish. Is there a way to prevent users when they log time against a project task which has run out of time?

For example, I have a task created on a project and have estimated 2 hours to finish it. If a user tries to log 2.5 hours on it, is there a way to prevent that action or at the least warn the user of it?

I am seeing the following lines when trying to configure a user in the Repository settings of a project:

Select or update the Redmine user mapped to each username found in the repository log.
Users with the same Redmine and repository username or email are automatically mapped.

I understand, from the above, that if I have logged on as, for example, user1 to redmine, when I try to access the repository, it will try to access the repository as 'user1'. But when I try to do so, I get the following error:

The entry or revision was not found in the repository.

I have configured to authorize users in redmine through an LDAP and I am trying to connect to a subversion repository. The <redmine>/log/production.log contains the following lines of errors:

Processing RepositoriesController#show (for at 2011-07-13 09:53:29) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"identify-me", "controller"=>"repositories"}
Error parsing svn output: #<REXML::ParseException: No close tag for /lists/list>
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb:28:in `parse'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:227:in `build'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:43:in `initialize'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.11/lib/active_support/xml_mini/rexml.rb:17:in `new'

If I provide a username and password in the repository setting, is works. But I want to provide access to the repository as the logged on user. Can anybody help me getting the repository connected to my redmine installation?

Please let me know, if you need more information about any of the above.

