


Default or recently used values for new issue?

Added by Szymon Nowak almost 13 years ago

Is there any way to define default values for new issue?

- I'd like to add few tasks
- all will have immediate priority
- same due date
- assigned to one developer
- assigned to same version

Is there any shortcut to do that? Any magic key which will automatically fill fields with recently values? Or mayby it would be nice idea to always fill new issue with values from my recently added issue, but they will be grayed as suggestions and if i hit any magic key or click field they will be assigned as current values - if i don't click any grayed field, value woun't be assigned

Or mayby i't would be nice to define some hotkeys to work faster with redmine

Replies (1)

RE: Default or recently used values for new issue? - Added by Robert Hailey almost 13 years ago

In my previous bug tracker, it would translate "query variables" to the submission form as default values. Like: redmine/issues/new?tracker=Defect&subject=My%20Subject

The main use of this was a second mechanism, however... there was a button you could click that would generate a bookmarkable link with however much of a ticket you had filled out.

I tried this in redmine, and it does not appear to be implemented.

Does having such a feature appeal to anyone else?
