Added by Ilya Khanataev over 13 years ago
Is is possible to create subprojects in Redmine? For example: There is a web project consisting of three parts: cURL data gathering for the database, website building, and marketing. So I would like to be able to create three subprojects and to to give my employees access to one or eseveral subprojects. How can I do that?
Thank you!
Replies (2)
RE: subprojekts
Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago
When you are in Overview page of a project, there is a link named 'New subproject'. Following it you may create a project that is a subproject of the current project.
If you want to make some already created project to be a subproject of some other project, go to this project and enter settings pages. There is a litstbox, in the 'information' page, that you may use to select the parent of the current project (or to select none and this way make it main project).