


Log time for other users

Added by Guilherme Schneider almost 16 years ago

I wish I could log time for other users, or even better, for multiple users at once.
It would be very usefull to log time of meetings. Then, one could log time for everybody that was in the meeting, instead of each one having to log their time. Of course, the user should have some admin privs to do that.
What do you think about this feature?

Replies (2)

RE: Log time for other users - Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

Guilherme Schneider wrote:

I wish I could log time for other users, or even better, for multiple users at once.
It would be very usefull to log time of meetings. Then, one could log time for everybody that was in the meeting, instead of each one having to log their time. Of course, the user should have some admin privs to do that.
What do you think about this feature?

It could be useful but like you said, it should require a permission to do so. I'd hate to have other people logging time for me when they weren't supposed to. :)


RE: Log time for other users - Added by Svenn Bjerkem almost 16 years ago

Hi, I have just started with Redmine and RoR so I appologize if my suggestion is not implementable in the current version of Redmine.

Meetings are normally initiated by somebody, and this somebody also invites people. If the invited people confirm that they will appear at the meeting, then after the meeting has happened, Redmine automatically assigns the hours to those people who approved their attending. If they didn't attend, for some reason, it should be possible to deselect the presence.

This may need a Meeting object in Redmine. Maybe an event object that can have property of being a meeting, a telephone conference, workshop, external training etc.

