


Using redmine for designers?

Added by James Gulland almost 13 years ago

Hi all,

Currently using redmine for tracking website issues and updates. The developers love all the features, and being Product Manager, I can track the status and set priorities where necessary.

Problem is that my designers do not like using the system so much as it is not so graphic friendly, and they dont like the additional admin. They tend to use something like Wunderlist which is pretty and easy to use but generally doesn't have the power or features for anything other than adding tasks.

So the question: is there a way that I can use our redmine data to be presented in another application (such as using a redmine API) which can be viewed and updated by our designers? I.e. Wunderlist reads in redmine date, and then designers can use this interface to update tasks instead? Alternative solutions other than Wunderlist will be also considered.

Many thanks for your responses in advance.

Replies (9)

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by James Gulland over 12 years ago

Hi Josh, thanks for your response. I dont understand how this helps me?

Are the tasks in redmine linked to the blog? Please explain

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by Loldo . over 12 years ago

I think the link was just the spam.

You can use redmine data through REST API .

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by Josh McCoy over 12 years ago

Well on my site I use WordPress and not Ruby on Rails. Do you think it looks good for being a Website Design platform or should I stick with Ruby?

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by Pam Colllins over 12 years ago

wordpress is the best!

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by Josh McCoy over 12 years ago

I honestly haven't had a project that WordPress couldn't do. It's awesome!

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by Josh McCoy over 12 years ago

I honestly haven't had a project that WordPress couldn't do. It's awesome!

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by Adrian Hayman over 12 years ago

<spam removed by Mischa The Evil>

RE: Using redmine for designers? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

It seems this has become a spam thread. I'll lock it now to prevent further posts.
