Using textile for wiki, but not for Issues
Added by Andrew Betts over 13 years ago
We found it very hard to use Textile for issues, because many comments and issues descriptions would include code snippets, HTML etc, and Textile processing was causing the markup to be rendered in unexpected ways. So I changed Redmine config to use plain text and this is working perfectly for issues.
However, it also makes the wiki basically useless. Is there any way I can have wiki formatting in the Wiki, but not in issues?
Replies (2)
RE: Using textile for wiki, but not for Issues
Added by Tony Marschall over 13 years ago
Same problem here. It is also a problem that wiki macros can be executed in issue descriptionn.
RE: Using textile for wiki, but not for Issues
Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago
I think there should be configuration option at least, for enabling or disabling wiki formatting for issues.
Also is it possible to disable wiki formatting for a piece of text in a issue or comment?