


Show Description in Issues Table?

Added by Cory Riddell about 13 years ago

I'd like some way to show the issue list with the Description included as one of the columns. Basically, I'd like to be able to browse the issue list as a giant table. I've seen plugins that add the description in several rows after the primary listing, but this uses up too much valuable vertical screen space and makes visual scanning of the table more difficult.

Under options, just about every other field of the issue report is available to include, but for some reason, the description field is not. Is there a technical reason why it's different from the other fields?

Replies (5)

RE: Show Description in Issues Table? - Added by Cory Riddell about 13 years ago

Yours is the plugin that I've already tried. I really want the description to be just another column in the issues list. With multiple monitors, I have more than 3000 horizontal pixels to use, so space isn't a concern.

RE: Show Description in Issues Table? - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago

Well, then just chnage the view templates or export to excel via csv export oder excel export plugin.

RE: Show Description in Issues Table? - Added by Cory Riddell about 13 years ago

Can you tell I don't really know what I'm doing yet? :)
Thanks for the advice. I'll try messing with the view templates.

RE: Show Description in Issues Table? - Added by Harald Deischinger about 3 years ago

I am facing the same issue. I also would like to having the description as a regular column in the issue list.

The best solution, I have found so far is by modifying the source code in models\issue_query.rb line 73
changing from, :inline => false),

Any better solutions?
