


Official git mirror - what happened?

Added by Alexander Oryol over 12 years ago

Hello, all! - "is the official git mirror of the svn repository" - from description.
Eric Davis - an official contributor and developer repo.

12 days ago, Toshi MARUYAMA said:
"Github unofficial mirror stops updating."

Tell me please, this is a true or not?
If true, what about a reason? Mirror did not updated 3 weeks... About 2000 watchers... What happened?

Replies (5)

RE: Official git mirror - what happened? - Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

Toshi is right, Eric Davis has been but is no more part of the Redmine team since he started his own project based on a RM fork and thus his GH repository was not updated regularly.

Consider using instead.

RE: Official git mirror - what happened? - Added by Alexander Oryol over 12 years ago

And again, what's happened? Official mirror not updated 3 days...

RE: Official git mirror - what happened? - Added by bedbagging Chambers over 12 years ago

Thanks...for ...sharing...Tosi...

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