


With Redmine 1.3.1 stable, an error occurs when requesting /redmine/mylyn/queries

Added by Ludovic BELMONT over 12 years ago

We used Redmine 1.0.3 stable and we succeeded in connecting Eclipse to Redmine through MyLyn.
We have migrated to Redmine 1.3.1 stable, and now we do not succeed in refreshing the task repository.
The error occurs when requesting /redmine/mylyn/queries with REST API.

Is it an error of this new version? an incompatiblity of the Mylyn Connector plugin ? (This plugin provides a webservice API for Eclipse Mylyn (RESTful) Sven Krzyzak 2.7.5.stable)

How can I receive help?

Replies (3)

RE: With Redmine 1.3.1 stable, an error occurs when requesting /redmine/mylyn/queries - Added by Peter Panther over 12 years ago

if your Redmine logfile shows
> NoMethodError (undefined method `visible_by' for #<Class:0x7fd75f17ea10>):

you will find a patch here

RE: With Redmine 1.3.1 stable, an error occurs when requesting /redmine/mylyn/queries - Added by Ludovic BELMONT over 12 years ago


thanks you.
I've download the file redmine-mylyn-connector.patch, but I really don't how and where to apply it..
Do I need to update one jar under eclipse plugin? is it on the server itself? how?
best regards

RE: With Redmine 1.3.1 stable, an error occurs when requesting /redmine/mylyn/queries - Added by Peter Panther over 12 years ago

It's a patch for the Mylyn-Controller on your Redmine server!

   cd /<redmine-install-dir>/vendor/plugins/redmine-mylyn-connector
   patch -p1 <redmine-mylyn-connector.patch
