


JSON property key for assignee is different for creation and for retrieval of an issue via REST API

Added by Matthias Paul Scholz over 12 years ago

When using the JSON-based version of the Redmine REST API for CRUD operations of issues, the JSON key for the assignee of the issue is not unique:
for creation, one needs to use "assigned_to_id"; when retrieving issues, though, the assignee's id is transmitted using the key "assigned_to".

In java-based clients (for instance the Redmine Java API), this makes usage of Gson for parsing and creating JSON code that is accepted by Redmine pretty hard, as Gson uses a (single) annotation on the members for specifying serialization information.

Is there a reason for the difference?
Wouldn't it be desirable to have an unique property key here?

Redmine version used is 1.3.1.
