


Incongruence between issues by rest api and issues by query

Added by pasquale [:dedalus] about 12 years ago

I have created a custom query (here called [A]) that display all issues assigned to me order by priority (here called [C1]) and a custom int field that classifies relevance of bugs with the same priority (here called [C2]).
I have also an c# application (here called [B]), builded over redmine rest api infrastructure, that find and display all issues assigned to me. This issue are order in memory via LINQ per [C1] and [C2] as happens in custom query [A].
In some case, the same list of issues haven't the same order between [A] and [B]. I suppose that redmine add others sort criterias over my custom criterias in [A]: which they are? How can obtain the same issues list order in [A] and [B]? (I have already tried to sort also for issues description but this not resolve the issue)