


Datetime for new issue

Added by adem karatepe about 12 years ago

Hi guys, I made many search but couldnt find an answer actually. I just want to add a new field on creating new issue as datetime. I mean I want to add a time fow new issue not only date. How can I do that?
btw Im using 1.4.4 on Windows


Replies (3)

RE: Datetime for new issue - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

The column redmine.issues.created_on is already a datetime field in the database, don't repeat yourself ;-)

RE: Datetime for new issue - Added by adem karatepe about 12 years ago

J N wrote:

The column redmine.issues.created_on is already a datetime field in the database, don't repeat yourself ;-)

No mate I mean, when I create a new issue I want to enter a time with date like; "Start Date: 2012.06.13 Time:14:00" This is what I want to do.
