


view own issues

Added by Anonymous almost 12 years ago

hey all

i created one issue tracking system in redmine, but i want to restrict user to view all issues.
i want user to view only their own issue.
please help me out.


Replies (2)

RE: view own issues - Added by Anonymous almost 12 years ago

you can mark projects and subprojects as "private". If you do that, then users who are not members of that project can only see issues they submitted, or that were assigned to them. If you also want to restrict the visibility for (certain) members of a project, then I think you can also achieve this, by configuring the "View Issues" setting of the corresponding role(s) appropriately. See

RE: view own issues - Added by Anonymous almost 12 years ago

dear mr.max
i set project as "private" and unset "view issues" then all the issues are unvisible include the issue which is submitted by the user.
please help me out.

Regards and thanks

