Configuring Win VPS to map domain to a redmine installation
Added by Krunal Jariwala over 12 years ago
Hi, I've just installed Redmine on Windows VPS using Bitnami stack for Redmine. The server has IIS and one application installed.
It has been installed correctly and working just fine on the It is working fine and accessible by using a public IP address as well.
However, I want to bind to this so I can access it directly using a subdomain. I can easily create a DNS entry to point to the server IP address, but not sure how to configure server to respond to that hostname and redirect the request to the
Any guide will be very helpful. Please also advise where I need to make changes / in what files?
Replies (2)
RE: Configuring Win VPS to map domain to a redmine installation
Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago
See this topic. If Bitnami Redmine installs apache, you may try with proxy / reverse proxy.
RE: Configuring Win VPS to map domain to a redmine installation
Added by Krunal Jariwala over 12 years ago
I also have IIS using port 80, in that case where should I implement reverse proxy?
And more importantly, I can only access redmine using /redmine as a url suffix, which I want to remove.
Pls help.