


Redmine on Tomcat?

Added by Tomcat User over 11 years ago

Hi everyone,

I want to use Redmine but it's having a lot of trouble running on Tomcat. Do you have any suggestions? I would be very happy to do testing and bug reporting to help out on this. I don't know Ruby at all but I'm very familiar with Tomcat and Java.


Replies (5)

RE: Redmine on Tomcat? - Added by Tomcat User over 11 years ago

Yes. Those instructions are out of date and don't work at this point. They did work way back around version 1.0 but they don't work now.

I would be happy to work with any of the Redmine community to write new instructions but I need some help when I get blocked at various points.

RE: Redmine on Tomcat? - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

I see.. OK, let's go. Where are you stuck?

RE: Redmine on Tomcat? - Added by Tomcat User over 11 years ago

This is what I get to:

org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (GemNotFound) Could not find gem 'jruby-openssl (>= 0) java' in the gems available on this machine.
    at RUBY.resolve(/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/redmine/WEB-INF/gems/gems/bundler-1.2.3/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:287)
    at RUBY.start(/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/redmine/WEB-INF/gems/gems/bundler-1.2.3/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:161)
    at RUBY.resolve(/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/redmine/WEB-INF/gems/gems/bundler-1.2.3/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:128)
    at org.jruby.RubyKernel.catch(org/jruby/

Let me know what I can do to help debug this. Thanks!

RE: Redmine on Tomcat? - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Could not find gem 'jruby-openssl (>= 0) java' in the gems available on this machine.

Sooo... Did you install the jruby-openssl gem?
