


Changing the project by email

Added by Russell Rose over 11 years ago

Hi there

I have set up my Redmine to receive email via postfix and it generally it is working fine. Within /etc/aliases I allow override of project, but when I reply to an email notification and set the project, it is ignored (I used the identfier)

Replies (6)

RE: Changing the project by email - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Russell Rose wrote:

I have set up my Redmine to receive email via postfix

Do you use the rdm-mailhandler (RedmineReceivingEmails) script?

Within /etc/aliases I allow override of project

Please post your alias config line

but when I reply to an email notification and set the project, it is ignored (I used the identfier)

Please post an example of the email body you're sending.

RE: Changing the project by email - Added by Russell Rose over 11 years ago

Here is the entry line in /etc/aliases:

issues: "|/opt/srv/www/redmine-2.3.2/extra/mail_handler/rdm-mailhandler.rb --url http://<website> --tracker support --allow-override tracker,priority,project --key <key> --project incomingissues --no-permission-check" 

I have attached the mail handler script (unchanged)

Here is the sample text for the email:

Project: passfield
Status: Awaiting Client
This is a test update for switching project from incomingissues to our own project identifier

rdm-mailhandler.rb (7.42 KB) rdm-mailhandler.rb mail handler used in configuration

RE: Changing the project by email - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

From RedmineReceivingEmails:

allow email content to override attributes specified by previous options

I'm not sure, but two things come to mind:
  • Does it work if you specify the --allow-override after specifying the default project?
  • Is the tracker "support" active in the specified project?

RE: Changing the project by email - Added by Russell Rose over 11 years ago

Tried putting the override after, but makes no difference. I used the text:

Project: passfield
Status: Awaiting Passfield
Something to say

It picked up the status change and I've checked the database for the identifier. Support tracker is active in all projects

RE: Changing the project by email - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Sorry, no idea... Is the project identifier 100% correct?

RE: Changing the project by email - Added by Robert Schneider about 3 years ago

If I get it right, the project of a ticket cannot be changed if the ticket already exists.

The function issue_attributes_from_keywords defines which attributes can be set. project is separately handled only in function receive_issue, but not in function receive_issue_reply

Just in case you're come accross this old thread but have the same issue.
