


Incoming email parsing does not parse fixed_version

Added by Alex Shemshurenko over 11 years ago

Im running redmine 2.3.4 on ubuntu server.
My problem is that i can set target version for issue when i open it through email.
My crontab line looks like this
*/1 * * * * rake -f /opt/redmine/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" port=993 username= password=somepassword ssl=true tracker=Task priority=Normal project=inbox status=New allow_override=project,priority,tracker,status,fixed_version

email that i send looks like that

Project: ccc
Tracker: Release
fixed_version: test
status: WorksForMe

Project is set correctly.
Tracker is set correctly.
status is set correctly.
But fixed_version for some reason remains in issue description and not set properly ,target version remains empty.
Any advise?

Replies (6)

RE: Incoming email parsing does not parse fixed_version - Added by Alex Shemshurenko over 11 years ago

ive created it specially for testing.
usualy version looks like or something, but i thought may be dots are confusing or something.
So ive created version "test".

RE: Incoming email parsing does not parse fixed_version - Added by Mischa The Evil over 11 years ago

Alex, I think you are using the wrong keyword for setting the issue's target version. That is also what is suggested by the fact that the keyword: value pair is added to the issue description.
IIRC, the valid keywords are "Fixed version" and "Target version" or its localized equivalents.

Regarding the command line issue attributes parameters of the email rake tasks and the rdm-mailhandler script: controlling the issue target version is not supported. The only attributes that are available for controlling via the cli are:
  • project
  • tracker
  • status
  • priority
  • category

This also automatically applies to the supported attributes of the allow-override command line parameter. Only the above given five issue attributes are supported.

jan jan: I'm not sure whether or not info about this is logged by default when running in production environment.

RE: Incoming email parsing does not parse fixed_version - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Well, RedmineReceivingEmails explicitly mentions "fixed_version", it was added by JPL in version 49...

RE: Incoming email parsing does not parse fixed_version - Added by Alex Shemshurenko over 11 years ago

"IIRC, the valid keywords are "Fixed version" and "Target version" or its localized equivalents." - Is the right answer, just tested it.
