


Unified Diff download

Added by Sascha Egerer almost 17 years ago


is there a function to Download a Unified Diff Patch file against revisions or files?
If not, how much work is it to include this?

In other systems like trac this function is availible

Replies (20)

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago

That's the kind of feature that I like. I don't find an existing feature request concerning that, don't hesitate to create one.

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Sascha Egerer almost 17 years ago

hm can anybody create this? I'm a totally ruby noob.
And currently i've no time to take a look in ruby coding

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Kai Olav Fredriksen almost 17 years ago

Yes - Thomas, Jean-Philippe, anybody: could you point me/us to a good "Learn Ruby in 17 minutes" / "Ruby for Dummies" etc - please :)
Just kidding about the time to learn, obviously, but is there any good resources to get to start learning? Would really like to contribute, but I have no experience with dynamic languages whatsoever - to be honest they are quite frightening (Perl psyched me out once). Even though I come from "assembler" on Dragon32, later (OO)-Pascal and now C# - I hope it's not to late to learn :D

So, any links would be appreciated!

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago

The better way to learn Rails is of course to run Ruby before: have a look to the pick-axe book or the new The Ruby programming language.

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by YA Chris almost 17 years ago

There are several tutorials linked to from here:

Including the so-called "Pick-axe book", which is a great tutorial and reference book for Ruby:

WARNING: Don't read "Why's Poignant Guide To Ruby" until you already know Ruby. It's a bit too terse and fast (for most folks) to get. I have no idea why people recommend it as a starter guide. But it's fun.

RE: RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Kai Olav Fredriksen almost 17 years ago

Thank you all :)

There was even a "Ruby in Twenty Minutes", 3 minutes from my wish, that's as good as it gets :D


RE: RE: RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Sascha Egerer almost 17 years ago

Are there some news for the unified diff download?
Can anybody implement this like in trac?

RE: RE: RE: RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Thomas Oppelt almost 17 years ago

for me the last reason for now not to change from TRAC...

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by James Turnbull almost 17 years ago

I also created a feature request (#1403) for this.

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Thomas Oppelt almost 17 years ago

thx james, i was to lazy...;)

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Thomas Oppelt almost 17 years ago

+1 to big thank
yes, happy ;-)

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by James Turnbull almost 17 years ago

And a thank you from me also. This is a great feature.

RE: RE: Unified Diff download - Added by youngseok yi over 16 years ago

thanks a lot!

how about to add ability to download in zip archive format.
this feature also available in trac.

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by James Turnbull over 16 years ago

If you want a feature why not log a feature request ticket?

RE: Unified Diff download - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

James got the point! \o/

RE: RE: Unified Diff download - Added by youngseok yi over 16 years ago

If you want a feature why not log a feature request ticket?

I thought that it is similar feature but you're absolutely right, it is different feature at all.
#1443 describes the same request though the feature about zip archive format is not emphasized.
