


Features - which one wanted?

Added by Lars P. over 15 years ago

We use Redmine for our projects are and very happy with this, and we really want to see this gronwing in the right direction for the community. And since a very active user community exists holding a lot of brain power, I thought who better to judge the outstanding feature requests along with Jean-Phillipe.

I noticed some people in the forums as an answer write "+1" I interpret this as, I want this too. And when I look at the feature list there are 734 feature requests. How are they sorted and prioritized? With that amount I think it is likely that some are forgotten in the fast development direction.

I think it would be so great if there was a simple voting system for feature requests like in this system:

Am I the only one that think this would be a good idea to bring the best ideas to the top?


Replies (2)

RE: Features - which one wanted? - Added by Jeff Dombach over 15 years ago

+1 I agree, it would be good to provide a method to elevate features by interest.

RE: Features - which one wanted? - Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

Lars Pehrsson wrote:

I noticed some people in the forums as an answer write "+1" I interpret this as, I want this too.

That's right. The +1 came from Rails but got a bit messed up during the port (a +1 in Rails means "I approve this feature, have tested the patch, and would like it added to the core". Here it's just "I would like this added to the core").

And when I look at the feature list there are 734 feature requests. How are they sorted and prioritized? With that amount I think it is likely that some are forgotten in the fast development direction.

This is roughly how I prioritize:

  1. Security issue
  2. Bug that affect me or my customers
  3. Patch that I could use
  4. Bug that I can easily fix
  5. Plugin issues
  6. Feature that I could use
  7. Bugs
  8. Patches
  9. Features

I think it would be so great if there was a simple voting system for feature requests like in this system:

There's several threads about voting already. Most of them ended as "useful, but it's not something I have the time/skill to work on". I'd love it if someone could create a plugin that added voting.

