


gnome shell extension for time tracking

Added by Philip Whitfield over 10 years ago

hi all
I just wanted to share this gnome shell extension to have time tracking for issues integrated into the desktop.
It is still a beta version but is working for me so far.

Replies (8)

RE: gnome shell extension for time tracking - Added by Thibaut MADELAINE over 10 years ago

We are using debian stable at work... thus gnome 3.4!

Would it be difficult to make it compatible with Gnome 3.4?

RE: gnome shell extension for time tracking - Added by Philip Whitfield over 10 years ago

Honestly, I have no idea. But I can try to set up a test environment and see what happens...

RE: gnome shell extension for time tracking - Added by Thibaut MADELAINE over 10 years ago

I tried just to change the version in the metadata.json file but the extension would just not show up...

RE: gnome shell extension for time tracking - Added by Philip Whitfield over 10 years ago

If you run "gnome-shell --replace" in terminal, you see the startup error messages. Beware though, if you close the terminal window, it will kill your shell.

RE: gnome shell extension for time tracking - Added by Thibaut MADELAINE over 10 years ago

It seems there are more default extensions in 3.10!
3.4 doesn't know about ui.separator and gi.Notify extensions.

    JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Error: No JS module 'separator' found in search path
    JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Error: Requiring Notify, version none: Typelib file for namespace 'Notify' (any version) not found

I tried just to comment them... but:

Avertissement du gestionnaire de fenêtres : Log level 6: Garbage collector went into timeout after 10 seconds


RE: gnome shell extension for time tracking - Added by Philip Whitfield over 10 years ago

Hmm if those two are the only ones, it is not as bad, since the separator is only for decoration and it would also work without notifications. But I'll have to check my code to see how I could disable them easily...

RE: gnome shell extension for time tracking - Added by Philip Whitfield over 10 years ago

Hi, I checked the compatibility in a VM. And I am really sorry but it would be a lot of work to port the extension over. Especially to support both versions. It would be easier to rebuild it with 3.6 in mind and copying the relevant parts...
