


Internal server error on show issues

Added by Constantin Manea over 10 years ago


I have a problem. It happened a lot of times. One user makes an issue. When the issue is submitted, the user gets "Internal server error" (the issue is created). If the user goes back to the issues page it will receive "Internal server error" again. The funny thing is that an user with administrative rights can see that issue with no problems at all. If the first user (the one that created the issue) is given admin rights he can also see the issue. But only with admin rights. Also i have installed "Redmine Exception Handler plugin" and every time this problem occures it gives me an email like the one in the file attached (RedmineErrors). The other file (RedmineErrorC.txt) is from Redmine Logs (from another user/issue but the same problem). I have searched the net but nobody has this problem.
This problem occured with previous Redmine versions as well.
Redmine version 2.4.1.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3-p392 (2013-02-22) [i686-linux]
Rails version 3.2.15
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Can somebody help me?

Replies (5)

RE: Internal server error on show issues - Added by Mario Klima over 10 years ago

I'm not sure if it helps, but did you already clear the cache?

rake tmp:cache:clear
rake tmp:sessions:clear

afterwards you need to restart the application (web server)


RE: Internal server error on show issues - Added by Constantin Manea over 10 years ago

Hello, I did (just now) and the same error occures. A have attached a new file (with logs from Redmine log file and Redmine Exception Handler plugin error e-mail).

RE: Internal server error on show issues - Added by Mario Klima over 10 years ago

Ouch, this doesn't look good: (ActionView::Template::Error (Mysql2::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')

Do you have any other special Plugins installed? What about the redmine_issue_templates Plugin?

RE: Internal server error on show issues - Added by Constantin Manea over 10 years ago

Yes, that plugin is installed but it is not loaded as a module on that project. Should i try to remove it completely? This is my plugin list (but not all of them are loaded in that project)

Default Roles plugin
Extended fields
Redmine Periodictask plugin
Progressive Projects List plugin
Redmine Better Gantt Chart plugin
Redmine Charts Plugin
Redmine CMS plugin
Redmine CRM plugin
Redmine Dashboard plugin
Documents Short plugin
Redmine Exception Handler plugin
Redmine Extended Watchers plugin
Redmine Favorite Projects plugin
Redmine Attach Screenshot plugin
Redmine Issue Checklist plugin
Redmine Issue Templates plugin
Redmine Light Box plugin
MS Project/Redmine sync plugin
Redmine (Monitoring & Controlling | Monitoramento & Controle)
My Roadmaps plugin
Redmine People plugin
Redmine Q&A plugin
Related Buster
Redmine Todo Lists (Basecamp-like) plugin
Redmine Wiki Issue fields plugin
Scheduler plugin
Redmine Status
WikiNG Wiki Next Generation plugin

RE: Internal server error on show issues - Added by Constantin Manea over 10 years ago

I have removed redmine_issue_templates Plugin but the problem is still there.
