


Our Latest Theme

Added by Shane Pearlman over 15 years ago

Hi Everyone,

Our crew has been working on a redmine redesign now that themes are coming into their own and I wanted to see if anyone had some insight or thoughts. I have a few things I would love to see added to the core and want to see if other people want the same thing:

  • Make the project menu sortable & modular.
  • Allow saved filters to be groupable (tag or categories)

I will probably add more when they come to mind.

Replies (68)

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Wynn Netherland over 15 years ago

Very nice! Very creative! This is why I started the other thread. Redmine is very extensible and I'm glad to see folks really showcasing it.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

Logged in as A. Wabbit

Good one!


RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 15 years ago

Wow, great theme !

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Kari Jääskeläinen over 15 years ago

Will you make it public? :) Neat!

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Martin Bächtold over 15 years ago

This is amazing!
Did you change some parts in the application or is it just pure CSS (and JS)?

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Shane Pearlman over 15 years ago

I am open to making it public once we finish building and it is stable.

most of this is just html/css. a few things (team members, filters w/ tagging, description hover) are plugins.

Anything else Eric that we are changing to accomplish this design?

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Ludovic Alcala over 15 years ago

Good Job :).

There are good features !

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Peter Chester over 15 years ago

Wynn, what's the link to the other thread? Are there other comps on it?

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Sick Boy over 15 years ago

WOW indeed! I call that major steps forward!
Not much into Themes myself, but this could be called a 'must-have' once finished! Tnx!

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Steve Diver over 15 years ago

The theme looks really professional, good job - look forward to seeing it soon.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Intrad Acebo over 15 years ago

wow!! looks great!

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by James Holle over 15 years ago

Amazing design for both form and function. Can't wait to try it out :)

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by sebastián scarano over 15 years ago

it's marvelous!!!!

please please please make it public!!!!

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago

What a wonderful theme! (and plugins)

Please please make it public so we can enjoy this work!

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Mauro Toffanin over 15 years ago

amazing! I suggest to make this theme the default one for Redmine 0.9.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Shane Pearlman over 15 years ago

Wow thanks Everyone!!!

A quick update. The theme is now well into development and being debugged. We are having to create some plugins and even make a few changes that will hopefully be pushed back into the core. The first run internally some time around mid june. I have given Eric permission to release this to the community once we all agree it is stable. My guess is that we are maybe 2 months out.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by sebastián scarano over 15 years ago


I also agree, this should be redmine's default theme...

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Mauro Toffanin over 15 years ago

Shane Pearlman wrote:

My guess is that we are maybe 2 months out.

that is not a problem, redmine 0.9.x will be out for that time and maybe over, but it's no mandatory to have your theme ready for the new release; so don't worry, when you'll be ready, we'll use your amazing theme.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

I also think this would be a great choice for the default theme for Redmine 0.9. The theme seems much more fluid in regards to navigation.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Reid Peifer over 15 years ago

This is really sexy, I mean professional. Nice work. I think it would be a great default. Is the code pretty well documented? Might be a nice base for building other themes off of?

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Dan Cameron over 15 years ago

Yeah, this looks awesome.

It would be great to see this as the default, trying to pull off as much as we could with CSS and no images (except icon sprites). I mention this since the shadows and rounded corners could be a little hefty if we're trying to support "non-modern" browsers.

Great work.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Matt Wiebe over 15 years ago

I think it looks more attractive and usable, and I agree that it should be the new default. What's to lose?

Dan Cameron wrote:

… the shadows and rounded corners could be a little hefty if we're trying to support "non-modern" browsers.

I've helped with the HTML/CSS coding, and the shadows and rounded corners are pure CSS3 goodness for browsers that support it. Lightweight progressive enhancement at its finest.

RE: Our Latest Theme - Added by Peter Chester over 15 years ago

I'd be stoked to see this as the default theme for redmine as soon as the bugs are all worked out.
