Any way to change issue status only if attachment uploaded?
Added by Andrey Tatarnikov almost 10 years ago
Hi all,
We need to force user to upload some file when he changes issue status.
E.g. user could not change status to "Approved" if he hadn't upload corresponding document into issue.
I was thinking about creating a new Field Type for Custom Field - document, but I have no idea how to implement this.
Could somebody help to achieve this? Or maybe there are another ways?
Replies (4)
RE: Any way to change issue status only if attachment uploaded?
Added by Moritz Koehler almost 10 years ago
which version do you use?
try this plugin:
It should be possible to check if an attachment is uploaded and rise a warning if the user hasn't.
RE: Any way to change issue status only if attachment uploaded?
Added by Andrey Tatarnikov almost 10 years ago
We are using 3.0 because we need to have a default statuses for each issue tracker and it's available only in 3.0.
Meanwhile, custom workflows doesn't support 3.0. I hope one day it will...
RE: Any way to change issue status only if attachment uploaded?
Added by Pavel Potcheptsov almost 10 years ago
he-he, did you think that no one could check if user attached expected files and not the trash to proceed?
RE: Any way to change issue status only if attachment uploaded?
Added by Andrey Tatarnikov almost 10 years ago
Pavel Potcheptsov wrote:
he-he, did you think that no one could check if user attached expected files and not the trash to proceed?
It is about process regulations. Yes, user could attach some trash, but Redmine will always know who did it (user could not delete any attachment from issue).