


Help - Thin_client and Thin_client2 not starting Bitnami 3.0.1

Added by Ron M about 9 years ago

I've just installed redmine from a bitnami3.0.1 install on a Windows2008R2 server. All other services do start successfully, but the thin clients cannot.

The app log just shows:
Starting Thin_redmine...
thin_redmine started
Starting Thin_redmine...
thin_redmine started

And then a few seconds (about 20 or so) the service stops.
The log under app/http/log is empty with a sample file ("delete")

The post_install steps had some issues, but the installation completed successfully. I've seen a few of those issues in various forums, and the answers seem to always be a reinstall, or sometimes getting rid of plugins. I don't think those solutions can quite apply, since this is a new install with no additional plugins.

Any pointer would be appreciated.

