How rename field `version` to roadmap ?
Added by Aleksey Salamatov almost 10 years ago
How to rename the "Version" field in the "Road map" or plan?
maybe the system has a directory of terms for translation? Where it is possible for example to translate the English word version as "stages"?
Replies (2)
RE: How rename field `version` to roadmap ?
Added by Mischa The Evil almost 10 years ago
This can be done easily - system-wide - using a custom plugin containing the desired i18n strings which then will add/override the Redmine core's strings or you reuse a generic plugin like Eric Davis' Redmine Language Change plugin (though I haven't tested the plugin with recent Redmine versions myself, I think it still does its job well...).
RE: How rename field `version` to roadmap ?
Added by Aleksey Salamatov almost 10 years ago
thanks, will try! ^)