


LDAP Config Member of Group

Added by Marcel Sieber about 9 years ago


i will show my experience and config issues with configuration LDAP in redmine. Sorry for my bad english :(

my config:

Name * LDAP
Host * ldap.****
Port * 389
Konto domain\user
Kennwort password
Base DN * dc=domain, dc=org
Auszeit (in Sekunden)
On-the-fly-Benutzererstellung yes
Mitgliedsname-Attribut * sAMAccountName
Vorname-Attribut givenName
Name-Attribut sN
E-Mail-Attribut mail

So... i save it an push "Test".... Message Successful was displayed. But no login was possible. I checked logfile and DC security log and there was an login / password error for the specified user. My mistake by entered password ;)
But the important thing...In my case it doesn't matter whether the password for the ldap user is incorrect.... the test is always correct :( maybe its a bug.

For the filter option i searched a long time in forum.... nothing suited for my case. So i use the syntax for ldapsearch....
All users which are in a specified group should be able to login: Filter:


Now all fine :)

So, maybe its helpful for somebody.

regards, Marcel

Replies (2)

RE: LDAP Config Member of Group - Added by Maxie Ayala almost 8 years ago

Soy nuevo por aca ,Marcel esta configuracion que hiciste para LDAP , donde lo hiciste en que parte del REDMINE??

RE: LDAP Config Member of Group - Added by Marcel Sieber almost 8 years ago

Hello Maxie,

sorry, but please write in english. if the www translate it right, you search the ldap config inside redmine? is it right?

regards, marcel
