


Auto Add as watcher when an issue has been marked with a Certain Tracker

Added by Tom Spruels over 9 years ago

Hey Guys,

The current version of Redmine We run version 2.3.0.devel

What we are trying to do is that we have a team of developers look after a certain project, but a few of the developers only work on certain issues within the project. The example I have is our web designer has the same permissions as any of other developers to the project but she only picks up issues marked with the "Design" tracker. Her ideal outcome she wants is that the second someone sets an issue with the "Design" tracker it automatically adds her as a watcher and emails her?

If there is a plugin which does this or something similar could someone please advise me which one does?



Replies (1)

RE: Auto Add as watcher when an issue has been marked with a Certain Tracker - Added by Minh Vo over 9 years ago

Hi Tom,

Your req is more specific to your problem and it can be solved by communication.

Btw, I use version redmine versino 3.1.0 and it has issue category where you can define the owner (email will be sent to this account automatically)

