


Error crontab witch Redmine-Bitnami

Added by Matias Fusaro about 8 years ago

I have installed Redmine with Bitnami, to set up a task crontab (bundle exec rake redmine: send_reminders days = 7 RAILS_ENV = "production") returns me the following error "No MTA installed, discarding output".
If I run the line in console it works properly.

any suggestions

Replies (3)

RE: Error crontab witch Redmine-Bitnami - Added by Haihan Ji about 8 years ago

that means error log would not be logged in crond.log, it will mail to you.
do you check mail?

RE: Error crontab witch Redmine-Bitnami - Added by Hide MATSUTANI about 8 years ago

I think this is a typical issue that many people encounter.
It happens because environment variables aren't set in crontab job whereas you have set some environment variables in your console shell.
Please google "cron environment variables" and you'll get some sollutions.

RE: Error crontab witch Redmine-Bitnami - Added by Matias Fusaro about 8 years ago

Resolved it

I have solved my problem.

I have create an sh file with this:

. /opt/bitnami/scripts/
cd /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs
bin/rake -f /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" port=993 ssl=1 username=**** password=**** project=prova tracker=errore allow_override=tracker,priority unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1 --trace

and i have saved this file as /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/
change permission on file with user bitnami and 755

edit sudo crontab
with this:

*/2 * * * * "/opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/" > /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/mail.log 2>&1
