


Displaying the wiki page version in the wiki page

Added by Hal Glenn about 8 years ago

We use wiki pages for controlled documents. If you print them to a PDF you get a version number on the top of the printout which is fantastic! If you print to HTML or TXT that info is not there though.

If there was a Macro that could be called that inserted the current page version into the page I think that could be applied to each controlled wiki page therefore making it very easy to check version numbers no mater how they are printed or viewed on screen. As the text printout is just the raw markup this scheme would not work for it.

Anybody have any other thoughts or options on it?

Replies (1)

RE: Displaying the wiki page version in the wiki page - Added by Hal Glenn about 8 years ago

Does anyone have a suggestions on where I would start looking for information on how to write a macro to do this?
