Creating tickets from email problem
Added by Labware Ru over 8 years ago
Can you help me, there is a problem with creating tickets from one email address, from other addresses it's ok, tickets are creating.
I gather mail from server using this:
rake -f /usr/share/redmine/Rakefile --silent redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" ssl=SSL password=xxx project=email no_permission_check=1 unknown_user=accept port=993
It marks mail by read and no ticket..
Replies (2)
RE: Creating tickets from email problem
Added by Warren Postma over 8 years ago
I have never ever tried this feature but you might want to report your actual redmine version, and try updating it if you're not on the latest one.
RE: Creating tickets from email problem
Added by Labware Ru over 8 years ago
I've created feature request about it. #23895