combined project-issues-view
Added by Steffen Schemel over 8 years ago
is there an way to get a combined view:
- on the left side the project structure as treeview
- in the middle pane the issues tree
if i select on the left side an project on the middle pane all issues are filtered by this project and all subprojects.
I think, this would the workflow be much faster, now i must make some extra clicks to change from one project to another and then select the corresponding issues.
I looked into a lot of discussions, plugins and themes, but i didnt found a way to do so.
Replies (1)
RE: combined project-issues-view
Added by Kush Suryavanshi over 8 years ago
I don't think so. But you can always select the drop down menu from right top on Issues list, to achieve similar result(assuming you have limited number of projects)