


API: Issue relation create does not work

Added by Eser Esen over 6 years ago

using postman /issues/15658/relations.json

with headers

  • Content-Type:application/json
  • X-Redmine-API-Key:...

and payload

    "relations": [
            "delay": 0

always returns 422 with error message

    "errors": [
        "Related issue cannot be blank" 

what is wrong here, i tried mulitple structures. API documentation for issue relation is very unclear about that.

Replies (1)

RE: API: Issue relation create does not work - Added by Mayama Takeshi over 6 years ago

If you are also getting "Related issue cannot be blank", this is because you are using parameter "issue_id" instead of "issue_to_id".
Eser Esen's payload sample should have been:

    "relations": [
            "delay": 0